
Looking for top-notch fume extraction solutions for your fume cupboards and local exhaust systems? Look no further than The Fume Cupboard Company. We offer a diverse selection of fume extraction fans specifically engineered to meet your needs.

Reliable Fan Solutions for Every Scale: Ensuring Durability and Performance

Our range of fans is meticulously sourced to ensure durability and corrosion resistance, guaranteeing reliable performance over the long term. Whether you’re dealing with small-scale applications or larger systems, we have you covered with options featuring single-phase motors for smaller setups and 3-phase motors for enhanced durability in larger environments.

Safe and Efficient Fume Extraction: Explore Our Atex-Rated Fans and Inverter-equipped Solutions

In environments where volatility is a concern, we offer Atex-rated fans designed to operate safely and efficiently. Plus, to ensure compliance with 2015 regulations, all fans with 0.75Kw or more now come equipped with user-friendly inverters. Not only do these inverters save energy, but they also deliver precise and stable airflow, reducing the need for constant adjustment of CAV dampers.

When it comes to reliable and efficient fume extraction, trust The Fume Cupboard Company to meet your needs. Click below to explore our range of fume extraction fans and discover the perfect solution for your application.

Fans FAQ

How do you maintain an exhaust extractor?

Maintaining an exhaust extractor is essential to ensure its proper functioning and longevity. Here are some general steps to follow for maintenance:

  1. Regular Inspection: Perform visual inspections of the exhaust extractor system on a routine basis. Look for any signs of damage, wear and tear, or buildup of debris.
  2. Clean Filters and Components: Clean or replace filters regularly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Dirty filters can reduce the efficiency of the extractor and lead to airflow issues. Additionally, clean any other components that may accumulate dust, grease, or other debris.
  3. Check Connections: Inspect all connections and joints in the exhaust system to ensure they are tight and secure. Loose connections can lead to air leaks, reducing the effectiveness of the extractor.
  4. Lubricate Moving Parts: If your exhaust extractor has moving parts such as bearings or motors, lubricate them as needed to ensure smooth operation. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the type and frequency of lubrication.
  5. Monitor Performance: Keep an eye on the performance of the exhaust extractor, including airflow rate and noise level. Any significant changes may indicate a problem that requires attention.
  6. Schedule Professional Maintenance: Consider scheduling periodic maintenance visits from a qualified technician to thoroughly inspect and service the exhaust extractor. They can identify and address any issues before they become more serious problems.
  7. Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines: Always follow the maintenance guidelines provided by the manufacturer of your exhaust extractor. These guidelines are tailored to the specific model and will help ensure optimal performance and reliability.

By following these maintenance steps, you can help ensure that your exhaust extractor continues to operate effectively and efficiently, providing a safe and healthy environment for your workspace.

Maintenance extraction typically refers to the ongoing process of removing contaminants, pollutants, or unwanted substances from a particular environment or system to maintain a clean and safe working condition. In various industries, maintenance extraction may involve the regular cleaning, servicing, or replacement of equipment such as fume extractors, ventilation systems, or filtration units to ensure their proper functioning.

Maintenance extraction can encompass a range of activities, including:

  1. Cleaning: Regularly cleaning and maintaining extraction equipment to remove accumulated dust, debris, or other contaminants that may hinder its efficiency or performance.
  2. Filter Replacement: Periodically replacing filters in extraction systems to prevent clogging and maintain effective removal of airborne particles or pollutants.
  3. Inspection: Conducting routine inspections of extraction systems to identify any issues or malfunctions that may require repair or servicing.
  4. Servicing: Performing preventive maintenance tasks such as lubricating moving parts, tightening connections, or calibrating equipment to keep extraction systems operating smoothly.
  5. Testing: Testing extraction systems to ensure they meet regulatory requirements and performance standards for air quality and safety.

Overall, maintenance extraction plays a critical role in preserving the effectiveness and reliability of extraction systems, thereby promoting a healthy and productive work environment.

The frequency of replacing fume extractor filters depends on various factors, including the type of filter, the volume of contaminants being extracted, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. However, here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. Visual Inspection: Regularly inspect the condition of the filter. If you notice visible signs of damage, such as tears, holes, or excessive buildup of contaminants, it may be time to replace the filter.
  2. Decreased Airflow: If you observe a significant decrease in airflow or suction power from the fume extractor, it could indicate that the filter is clogged and needs to be replaced.
  3. Odors or Contaminants: If you detect odors or notice that contaminants are not being effectively captured by the fume extractor, it may indicate that the filter is no longer functioning properly and needs to be replaced.
  4. Manufacturer’s Recommendations: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations for filter replacement intervals. These guidelines are typically based on factors such as the type of filter, the application, and the expected lifespan of the filter.
  5. Regular Maintenance Schedule: Incorporate filter replacement into your regular maintenance schedule. Even if the filter appears to be in good condition, replacing it at regular intervals helps ensure optimal performance and air quality.
  6. Usage Patterns: Consider the frequency and duration of use of the fume extractor. In high-volume or continuous operation settings, filters may need to be replaced more frequently compared to intermittent use.

Ultimately, it’s essential to monitor the condition and performance of your fume extractor regularly and replace the filters as needed to maintain efficient and effective extraction of contaminants and ensure a safe working environment.

Our Services

When it comes to eliminating and managing your outdated fume cupboards and extract systems, meticulous attention is paramount. Proper disposal is as crucial as the installation of new equipment, especially considering potential contamination from fumes.
Embark on a journey of excellence with The Fume Cupboard Company, where unparalleled expertise and precision engineering converge to redefine fume extraction solutions. Our stellar reputation isn’t just a claim; it’s a testament to our steadfast dedication to delivering the very best.
Elevating Fire Safety Standards for Fume Cupboards with Fire Suppression Systems
Ensure COSHH compliance for your educational and commercial spaces with our specialized COSHH assessment services. Our certified engineers conduct thorough surveys, adhering to COSHH regulations 7 and 9 as well as Health & Safety guidelines (HSG258).
Looking to optimize your fume cupboard extraction systems? The Fume Cupboard Company excels in providing ductwork design, fabrication, and installation services tailored to your exact requirements.